
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hearts Abound

It's February. The love month or something like that. Whatever the case, love is in the air. I must be honest and tell you that I typically don't fall into the Hallmark trap of celebrating this holiday with anything more than a card, but this year is different. Maybe it's the blog, maybe it's having two amazing little lovey boys that drip with sugar. I don't know, but I'm hooked. So this year I am gonna go all out - all out for me that is.

I found the above craft project over at bkids. So cute. So easy. I was inspired to do a little version of my own with my oldest while the wee one was napping soundly. We got out our craft bin and unloaded the goods: paper and stamp pad. Yup, that's it. And here are the results (along with two messy thumbs)...
I love the end result and I think my little Juders does too! xo


  1. I love the thumprint heart picture and love seeing it hung in a room! Super cute!

  2. LOVE the heart thumb print art!! Very clever and I may just have to try that with my boys. :)



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