
Thursday, February 11, 2010

It's Almost Here...

Remember I said I was gonna go a little nuts this Valentine's Day? Well, nuts for me on this holiday and that of the average romantic joe are probably two totally different things.  I think I mentioned before that I usually don't give in to this holiday.  But I just can't help it this year.  Love is in the air at my house, with my friends, at our church and all over the internet (at least the places I go.) I thought I would share a few things that I'm lovin' right now and sometimes always:

*My husband - he's the greatest and really cute.

*Our boys - very silly.
*Coffee and Peanut butter (not necessarily together.)

*This hearts banner from the Dollar Tree. ($1.00 - really?)

*Our Valentine inspired entryway table with my new handmade hearts!

*Our church - always!

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