
Friday, February 19, 2010

Live and Love

I've been thinking a lot about my life, God, family, friends and my blog. (In no particular order.) I've also been reading Seth Godin's small is the new big and Donald Miller's A Million Miles in a Thousand YearsAnd I wanted to clear that air a bit (perhaps my conscience more than anything) about why I am writing this blog and hopefully inspire some of you.

I love God. Sounds silly to write on a craft blog huh? But that's what I've been thinking about. I write this blog not because I have a big ego, as Mr. Godin points out that many bloggers do, or because I think my crafts, home or DIY projects are great - but because God has given me a passion, many passions. I want to honor Him by trying to tell a good story with my life instead of just watching others tell their story.

Many years ago, Oprah had a woman on her show that said, once she became a Mom she lost herself.  She forgot who she was and what inspired her as she poured into everyone but herself.  I don't want that to happen to me and before I began this blog, I was coming close.  I was peeking into the lives of many others who create and blog instead of doing it myself. So now I blog because God created me to be many things, including a Mom. I blog to honor God, as a creative outlet, to do instead of be, to inspire creativity and passion in my kids and to inspire others. I am living what I love and this is all a dream come true for me. Have a dreamy weekend! xo

Proverbs 13:12 Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.
image via esty: hijirik


  1. Thanks for sharing this. I am encouraged and challenged to LIVE more!

  2. Proud of you!!! Love xoxoxo me

  3. oh this post is exactly how I feel! So glad there are others out there like me =) great blog by the way!


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