
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pillow Talk

Years ago I had this idea that I would adorn pillowcases and make a business out of it by selling them at retail stores or craft fairs - this was pre-Etsy. So, I ordered a ton of pillowcases and did nothing with them!  That's generally my m.o. - great ideas with lots of hope and aspiration that never leads to anything. Anyway, ever since I have been adorning my large inventory of pillowcases and giving them as gifts every now and then. Needless to say, I have a few pillowcases remaining. This brings me to today's DIY.

I have wanted the blue "love" pillowcases above from Lush Designs for a very long time, but I could never bring myself to purchase them.  Then I saw the couch above on Poppytalk. I knew it was time to make some "love" pillowcases of my very own!

This is a pretty easy project. I gathered my letter stencils and made my fabric choices. Then I traced the letters onto the fabric, cut out the letters, pressed them onto fusible interfacing (trimming access interfacing) and pinned them onto the pillowcases. I then used a zigzag stitch to sew the letters onto the pillowcase and voila.  My very own "love" pillowcases. The most difficult part of this DIY - cutting out the letters and my thread breaking 15 times while I tried to sew the letter on! Uggh - frustrating. But I pressed on! (Pun intended.) xo

Tip: Fusible interfacing can be found at any fabric store and is great for stabilizing or strengthening your fabric. Fusible simply means that you iron it on versus sewing it on. For this project it gave the letters a bit of weight and stiffness making it easier to apply them to the pillowcases.

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