
Monday, March 22, 2010

Around the House: Children's Art

Every time my oldest comes home from school or church he has a new masterpiece in hand. Some masterpieces are made at home, but when he's here he generally prefers to play outside or "battle." Needless to say, I have a lot of artwork between my two boys and they're both under 5 years old. I can only imagine how much I will have acquired by the time they go to college. Deciding what to do with it all is a challenge.  Which ones get saved, hung or trashed. I know, I know... trashed sounds harsh, but I can't save it all.

Here are some ideas I've come across for the more Picasso or Basquiat-like pieces.

eklektick flickr

I love the idea of the above mini-art mosaic. It's a great way to get a lot of art pieces in a small amount of space. That plus, I loved shrinky-dinks when I was a kid and I'm pretty sure that would be as close as I'll get to making them again. How about you? What do you do with all of your kids' masterpieces? 

top image via cookie

1 comment:

  1. Oooo...I like that shrinky-dink idea too! Our masterpieces generally make their way to the trash eventually, or very special pieces make it to a plastic storage box I have in the hall for each kid so I don't have to sort it all later! I have heard of people displaying the work on their table and taking a picture, then discarding the originals. I have learned over time that art work needs to make it to the trash late at night and immediately taken to the curb! If it is found in the trash the next morning it will most definitely be hanging back on the fridge the next day!!! :)


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