
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Handmade Gifts

Our babysitter turned 16 a few weeks ago. A very momentous occasion. She gets to drive and I don't have to pick her up to come and sit for us!  I win, win!  Wahoo! I wanted to make her a little something to mark the occasion so I made her a keychain - what else? Ha! I have a ton of scrap fabric, so I let my oldest (who loves his sitter very much) pick out the fabric and the shape. He went for yellow (his favorite color) and a heart shape! I added a floral fabric, reminding my son that she is a girl after all. We decided to put her initial on it too - a little personalized touch!

Want to make one of your own? Grab some fabric, pinking shears and ribbon. Cut your fabric into your desired shape, sandwich the ribbon in between the two pieces of fabric and stitch all the way around. We used iron on letters for her initial but hand embroidery or cross-stitch would be really cute too.

Here are some other handmade keychains found on

Bloom, Robot, Oval

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