
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hang on, Where am I?

It's Spring Break in Dallas this week. That means no Pre-K, no library, no story time, no malls and no zoo. Life is anything but normal this week. But my oldest did have a play date today so my little one and I got to run some errands. (It's much easier with only one kiddo.) I'd like to say I got a ton of stuff done, but I got sucked into the craft vortex known as Michael's. I went for a very specific purpose. I am helping host a small engagement party with some friends and went to Michael's in search of some labels and gift tags. I found nothing after searching almost every isle. And just before it was a complete and total waste of time I found these little gems...

8 pack of cards 50 cents each, now who's the sly fox?

decorative packing tape $1.00 each

heart stamp set $4.00

I spent a whopping $7.00 plus tax for all of this. Who knew I would find such cute stuff at such a great price at Michael's. I'm so excited! I have some clever ideas swirling about for the engagement party using the tape and stamps.  Stay tuned; the party is next weekend and I'll post some images of the decorations the following week. See you tomorrow! xo

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