
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It's Game Time Baby!


When I was little my sister and I would play Candy Land, Chutes and Ladders and Checkers for hours. Has technology killed this time honored and cherished tradition? My oldest will play wii games, connect four and Monopoly (on his Dad's iphone) but board games have yet to get his attention. Maybe it's his age? I'm not sure, but I look forward to spending countless hours "losing" at the board game of his choice. And whatever happened to family game night with actual board games? Uggh, I digress - but I am determined to bring back the love of the game in our home! 

our playroom

Until my oldest is "into it" I have hung some vintage games in our playroom and have found that others have some pretty clever ways of displaying their love of the games as well. Game boards really do make amazing art!

buddyrooster via flickr (I LOVE this!)

This amazing game was created/illustrated by Lisa Airdrie's father-in-law for his boys!

The above Find It game via Pour Toujour reminds me of the amazing Follow the Line books by Laura Ljungkvist. They are works of art and my boys love them. (Pour Toujour also has an amazing etsy shop if you want to skip the hundreds of trips to flea markets and thrift stores to find just the right item you've been looking for!)

my Charley Harper Memory game "art"

Let's not forget the beautiful and challenging Memory games! A couple of years ago Old Navy offered a series of Charley Harper books, games and toys. I snatched up the memory game on sale and turned it into an entryway art piece. I love how it turned out... the color, the illustrations. Charley Harper inspires me. Does your family have a game night or are your boards being used as art as well? I'd love to hear how the classic board game is used in your home. Ahh the love of the game - it inspires doesn't it? xo

1 comment:

    I love these old games too...our girls go through periods of wanting to play board games upon board games....and then they'll forget about them.
    I just posted about a game we spent hours playing.
    Gina from Bright and Blithe sent us over here.
    HUGS and have a great day.


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