
Friday, March 26, 2010

A Week of Discoveries

Our little family is going to Austin, TX for a couple of days to conduct business, see old friends and relax! I thought I would take this opportunity to share with you some things I discovered this week!

Dottie Angel's amazing chair. I want to sit here for hours reading anything and everything.

A quote found on Bliss that's got me thinking - a LOT!

This amazing room on Mommy Coddle. The colors, style and lighting are amazing!

My husband doesn't empty his pockets before throwing his clothes into the laundry basket - EVER!

 Country can be sooo cool! I love the leopard print coat and the gun near by. Priceless!

People say the nicest things! Thanks to everyone for all your love and support of this blog!

A little hot chocolate goes a long way on a snowy and cold Spring day!

Teachable Moments can be sweet.

See you Monday! I hope your weekend is filled with a lot of love, laughter and creativity. xo

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