
Thursday, April 22, 2010

DIY: Super Easy, Super Chic Mobile

When I was in college I did my internship with Todd Oldham and went on to work for him for about a year or so after that. Amazing man, amazing family. Every single family member has creativity oozing out of every pour. Not kidding. I've followed his new ventures a little here and there over the years, but when I saw Rachel over at Smile and Wave show a little of his latest book Kid Made Modern, I knew I had to take a trip to the bookstore. Todd never disappoints with his bright colors, recycling abilities and fun projects. When I worked there I learned how to make beaded flowers and tie dye about any and everything. It was such a fun experience.

My favorite project from this book is the mobile, inspired by Calder. The mobile in the book is made out of foam, but I really didn't want to buy anything or use foam.  Here's how we made ours and a list of things you'll need:

2 wire coat hangers
string (we used embroidery floss)
empty cereal box
paint brushes
needlenose pliers (to cut hangers)
hot glue gun

Before I begin, I need to apologize for the HORRIBLE photography. It was a very cloudy day here in Dallas yesterday and I had to use flash. Yuck! So sorry.

materials (yes, we like lucky charms)

cut and straighten hangers (4 small, 2 long)

trace and cut out your hearts/shapes

we rounded the tips of our hearts so they didn't look so much like hearts on the mobile

my oldest painted all the hearts and I went over them with a second coat
Tip: paint shapes all white first and do a second coat with color of choice for more vibrant colors

allow paint to dry and then hot glue shapes onto hanger

hot glue shapes closed 

compose design layout

tie a loop at one end of string to hang and then knot the string at the center of each hanger

hang and enjoy!

As I am writing this, my son just came to me and said, "my mobile is not twisting." So, I'm off to turn his ceiling fan on! The project was so fun and surprisingly easy. The hardest part was cutting the wire hangers. Ouch. Seriously, every time I look at this mobile I smile. I love, love, love it! May have to make another for the patio out back. xo


  1. This is a really great idea... think it will be done soon here at Casa Rcakewalk, since I detest those white hangers, they are so flimsy compared to the other metal hangers I have! I love that my non-arty (so far, at least) son will probably like making them with me too!


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