
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Need a Good Read?

I am a firm believer that books should be of the paper variety. There is something so intoxicating about flipping the pages, holding your place via bookmark or dog-earring the page. Then there's the smell of the ink on the pages as well as the paper as it ages. There is no substitute for this. However, having said all of that, I must confess that I love, love, love these amazing Amazon Kindle commercials. They are beautiful!

The colors, the stop motion, the clouds, the ships...ohhhh, I am so very inspired. They don't make me want to go out and buy a Kindle, but they do make me stop and take notice which very few commercials do anymore. (Thank you Tivo!)

Now - if you are like me, Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany's and Carrie in Sex and the City who all love the atmosphere and smell of the library and books...grab your library card and pick up some good reads this week. It's like a mental vacation and goodness know we all need that! The library and bookstore are two of my favorite places to escape. I must admit that sometimes I am overwhelmed by all the choices and like they say, "you can't judge a book by it's cover." So, if you're looking for some good reviews for children's books go here or here.

I'm looking forward to reading this book!

a read for me that always makes my laugh and think

and another ( I can't help it...this guy's a genius!)

I could go on, but I'll stop with just a few of my favorites. And since I somehow use this blog as a means of confession, I will tell you that I use to love Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series but began to be seriously convicted while reading them as they got more and more graphic. Does anyone know of any good grown-up reads that will make me laugh without leaving me feeling dirty? What's on your nightstand right now? xo

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