
Monday, May 24, 2010

Around the House: Lost and Found

Hello! Last week I shared that we had family visiting and I was gonna focus on them and the treasured moments that are created with family and friends. We did just that and are still in the process. Along the way we have made some new discoveries of things both lost and found.

found: a precious dress for anna (sister-in-law)
lost: jacket that accompanied said dress - roses will be made into a headband

found: delicious finds at estate and garage sales throughout the neighborhood
lost: the gold on that mirror - it's being painted asap

found: a lovely vintage embroidered pillow
lost: said lovely pillow to my oldest (he loves it and wants it for his own)

found: a white guest/craft room and a new love for the green room since adding robin's egg blue accents
lost: my baby - he's getting so big so fast (wasn't quite ready for the emotions of this)

found: a new favorite sport and hero (papa-dude)
lost: his desire to do anything with just mommy
found: treasured moments - painting, building, water balloons and reflecting
lost: absolutely nothing

found: my new metal garden tub (in the trash) and a baby quilt for picnics
lost: cool breezy weather - it's getting hot in texas, really hot

All in all, I'm pretty sure all that was lost pales in comparison to all that was found. I love my family and my friends. It has been a delightful weekend. How was yours? Care to share any of your findings? I'm so happy you chose to spend some of your Monday with me today. xo

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