
Friday, May 7, 2010

Mother's Day

What a wonderful reason to celebrate having a Mom, being a Mom and family in general. I'm not naive enough to think that everyone has a great relationship with their Mom - it can be very challenging and not everyone does motherhood well. It is the single most difficult job in the world and sometimes thankless. Moms work 24-7 and put others before themselves daily. To those who have chosen to be Moms I thought I would share one of my favorite excerpts about you from a book (Lies Women Believe) I recently read:

"...a bumper sticker you may recall seeing several years ago: "Life: What a Beautiful Choice." ...they (moms) are choosing life every day..."
  • with every meal they prepare;
  • with every load of dirty clothes they wash;
  • with every trip they make to the grocery store, to school, to the dentist, to piano lessons, to soccer practice, or to the shoe store;
  • with every scraped knee they bandage;
  • with every encouraging word they speak;
  • with every night hour they spend rocking a sick or scared child;
  • with every dispute they arbitrate;
  • with every moment they spend building legos, coloring, helping with math problems, reading a Bible story, or listening to a husband or child describe his day;
  • with every moment they spend interceding for the spiritual growth and protection of their family.
"Day in and day out, they are building a home; they are being life-givers; they are laying a foundation and building a memorial that will outlive them for generations to come; they are honoring their Creator in the greatest possible way."

Thank you for all your hard work Moms.  Don't think for a minute that that pile of laundry is a meaningless mundane task or all those floors you scrub and meals you prepare. It does NOT go unnoticed and has a greater purpose than ever imagined. Thank you!

Looking for a gift for are some things I found on Etsy that are awesome!

Other favorites that I have received in the past: time to myself, sleeping in late and waking up to a cup of freshly pressed coffee, a mani-pedi, an afternoon with girlfriends and time with family without any chores. Happy Weekend lovlies. xo


  1. Beautiful thoughts Brooke thank you. I know my ironing is appreciated, Luke let everyone at Kindy know for the Mum's Day concert. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and that you get to have some of that lovely "me time" you describe above.

  2. That pic of you with your son...priceless! And I love that silhouette of the kids holding hands, I may have to get that one for myself!!! Happy Mother's Day.

  3. Happy Mother's Day, Brooke! These are all lovely photos, and I love that French press cozy. Think I could manage sewing something like that... and it would give me an excuse to first buy the French press, which I've been wanting to for awhile!


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