
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Love Note DIY

My husband and I recently celebrated 7 years of marriage. It's a smile milestone, but one none the less. Because neither of us are big on gifts we do little things for one another. The hubby surprised me with a date night (sitter included) and a handmade card.  I left him a little love note hanging in his closet.

I recently put this dry erase board in the closet and put little notes on it every now and then. This is the one I left for the anni. Note the 7 bubbles coming from the fish? (It's the little things that make me happy.) Since it was our anni, I couldn't just stop at a note. So I made some fishing hooks out of black pipe cleaners and hung them in his closet like a little mobile.

The hooks were really easy to form. I used black thread for the fishing line and ran it through a loop I created at the top of each hook. It was really quite easy and it made big impact. I think. My husband is a man of few words. But, they're still there so that means something. Right? What special love notes have you left for your special someone? xo


  1. Mine are always in lipstick on the bathroom mirror. Since my 2 yr old re-colored the bathroom floor (Carrera marble) with my tube of lipstick this morning, I may have to make a trip to CVS before I write any more love notes.

  2. ha ha ha - sorry Juli, but that's funny and kinda sad. Hope it wasn't your favorite pucker stick!


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