
Friday, July 23, 2010

Jam Packed - And I'm not talkin' berries.

This week has been a bit crazy, emotional and somewhat of a roller coaster. Here's a recap in photos.

I cooked a delicious meal (this one's for you Rebecca) that included orange glazed turkey meatloaf, organic green beans and organic mashed potatoes with rosemary (from my little garden) and garlic salt. One word - YUMMERS!

My family and neighbors got to see what a $100.00 cake tastes like. Thank you photo shoot, eighty-four year old woman with pig valve in your heart and sweet husband for bringing back the spoils.

The boys and I tried to do "color week" at our home with various activities focusing on primary and secondary colors. Some events were successful, like the color scavenger hunt at Target (see above), and others were not, like the Summer Kids Camp movie. My youngest cried within 5 minutes and we had to leave. Oh well. You can't win them all. Right?

Thrift Town treasures scored last week have begun to find homes. I got the above lamp, gold bird, 3 mirrors, a lovely quilt and some other treasures for under $25.00! (Yes, I am aware that the lamp doesn't have a shade, but at three dollars, I couldn't say no.)

Loved on some precious folks here. And get to do so every Wednesday night!

Many nights were sleepless thanks to a little boy who is ready to sleep all day and party all night. I thought that was an infant problem. What the heck?

Took the crazy kiddos swimming with their Ma and Pop! They both fell asleep on the way home as I guzzled Chick-fil-A sweet tea in hopes that I wouldn't do the same.

I helped my five year old write a letter to his hero! This was a small miracle. I can't get him to sit for more than 5 minutes to do anything these days, much less practice writing. Wahoo - major accomplishment, that I am totally taking credit for even though it was his idea to write the letter after finding out that we would not be able to go to said hero's house for dinner.

And the husband and I chatted a lot about God's will for us and what our next steps should be in obedience to Him. There's a lot to discuss. A lot going on. A lot of fear and anxiousness. And, a lot of excitement. There may be a move in sight. Only time, prayers and discernment will tell. Have a happy and loooong weekend. Hope to see you Monday! xo


  1. And when I read the title, I thought you went and made jam :)

    Are home cooked meals the best! I'm so happy you think so! Hope you have a great weekend.

  2. sounds like whatever God is cookin' up for your family is exciting. Loved your photo update, may have to do the same... :)

  3. Love this post and how you shared your week :)


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