
Friday, July 2, 2010

Red, White and Blue

Sunday is a holiday in the States. Fourth of July means a lot to some and hot dogs for many. It's our Independence Day. An independence that many gave their lives for and a freedom that I hope I never take for granted.  Many celebrate with fireworks, friends and family, parades, hot dogs and ice cream. Me and mine will be sunning it up at my sister's lake house. I'll be taking off Monday, so until then I have a few 4th of July memories that I thought I'd share with you.

Sitting on the front porch of my Nana and Papa's farm house with my cousins all taking turns churning our ice cream maker. That was quite possibly the best vanilla ice cream ever!

My oldest's umbilical cord stump fell of on 4th of July. I know it's gross, but I cried because it was his "independence day..." Pathetic, but I'll never forget it.

My husband asking me to marry him twice on Independence Day - once with a plastic flag ring from a cupcake on our first date and the second time a year later with a rhinestone flag ring, followed by the real deal and over 150 candles. (It was hot in more ways than one and both flag rings are still sitting in my jewelry box.)

However you celebrate it, I hope your 4th is a blast! Oh, and I have a HUGE guest stopping by for a little post on Tuesday - you won't want to miss it. xo


  1. The ice cream that comes from those White Mountain hand cranked churns can NOT be beat! I love the 4th for so many reasons, but yours are really the best! Happy holiday to you!


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