
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Fabric Scraps

When I hear the word "scraps" I think of the left over food on the table that gets thrown into dog bowls. Yuck. But fabric scraps well, that's a different story! Just hop on over to any craft or quilt blog and you'll find a million and one things to do with fabric scraps. You know, the little bits that usually get tossed in the trash once you've finished cutting out the pieces for the big project you're working on. (I think I may have a touch of hoarding in me because I find it so difficult to throw out even the tiniest pieces of fabric left behind. But, because I love our small house and my husband, I'm getting much better at it.) Before you go tossing out your "scraps" take a look what others are making:

headbands a la yellowsongbird (and the cute little decorative clothespins you see below)

cool t-shirts and onesies
appliques anywhere
red giraffe
(everything by) dottieangel
sliding door

What do you do with your scraps? After looking at all the lovely things that can be made with my "left-overs" I'm kind of thinking they are worth much more than the cents I think I'm tossing. xo


  1. Thanks for the great ideas! I have a little collection of scraps.

  2. thanks for the shout out girl! :)


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