
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Kindness as a Cure

Remember this post? I talked a bit about how girls can be so caddy to one another instead of complimenting them or just being nice in general. I so don't understand this. But, I know that it is most prevalent in Junior High. I went through it in 4th and 5th grade... girls spitting at me and throwing rocks at me during recess. My sister, went through it too at varying degrees throughout all of Junior High. It's disgusting, hurtful, painful and can do a lifetime of damage.

My husband recently turned me onto an amazing blog about a young Dallas couple's adventure. They are traveling the States and Canada in their VW van. Dream. Come. True. Check it out. It's an amazing journey and an amazing blog.

While reading through, I discovered a wonderful, ingenius movement called, Kind Campaign, started by two young girls. They have a documentary coming out soon that you will NOT want to miss. What a great reminder that you are never too young to make a change in the world and a difference in the lives of many. How are you impacting your community? xo


  1. thank you sharing this Brooke. I have been reading the other blog and getting a few tears from all the goodness and kindness. It certainly warms my spirit and my heart. By the way I like your new look and your story. Have a blessed week.

  2. Thanks Melissa. Looking forward to your blog return in the Fall. xo

  3. Laurie (Honey) aka Rachel's momSeptember 3, 2010 at 6:40 PM

    Dear Brooke, I had to jump in on this one say thank-you so much for posting about the documentary on girl kindness...I'm sure that most females have a story about unkindness in thier youth, I certainly did.. let's just say being pregnant at 16 in the late 60's was not alot of fun...I will certainly pass this on to my grandaughters and the way I love your blog and the dedication and creativity that you show us every day is inspiring, you have a gift girl !!!


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