
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Interested in Others

Sweet and simple today - "Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself. Don't think only about your own affairs, but be interested in others, too, and what they are doing." Philippians 2:3b-4 That says it all doesn't it? So with that verse in mind, I thought I'd show you just a bit of what others are doing that inspire me like crazy!

Organic Face Scrubbies by Hills of Lead - forget the cotton balls and other disposable garb; this can go in the wash baby!

This feather key holder by New Duds is so sweet. The color, the feather, the wood. Need I say more?

Can I get a woop woop for this awesome reduction of waste by Oh Little Rabbit? The octopus print is so adorable and since I feel like an octopus most days, in need of 8 or more arms, these are perfect! They make some other amazing things too. Check 'em out. You will be glad you did.

Pretty much any and every print by Inaluxe makes me want to dance! The use of color and shapes reminds me so much of Charley Harper. sigh.

Oh gosh, I love these kitchen towels by Nesta Home so much that it kinda makes me wanna cook, but I'd rather just put them in my kitchen and look at how freakin' cool they are. Love it. 

Know anyone having a baby? Edna Mae makes the most amazing and utterly adorable baby books I have ever seen. They're so cute they actually make you want to take the time to fill them out! Love.

Notecards with old school flashcard memos? Yes, please! I love giving and receiving mail, as you know, and these by Mama Iwawaki are just perfect.

Booster Seat has some pretty phat fat quarters of original cotton fabrics. Every print is to die for. Honestly. Check it.

Is your head spinning from all the goodness? There are so many amazingly gifted and talented people out there I kind of geek out a bit when I think about it. Well done creators! You guys are an inspiration. Thanks!  So dear readers... is there anything you're loving right now that didn't get mentioned? I'd love to hear from you. Don't keep these treasures all to yourself! xo


  1. YES, my head is spinning from the goodness!

    i also am featuring new duds on my FFF this week! almost used that key holder, but chose something else feathery in their shop

    great minds think alike, girl! :)


  2. thanks for the shout out!
    terrific finds!

  3. Really gorgeous - and a big thank you. Life is so much richer with people in our lives, and it's good to get out of our own heads, and share with everyone else. Such a lovely post! thanks again, xo Kristina

  4. Kim - help me, I'm a little slow...FFF? Geez, I'm getting old. xo

    Nicole - you bet girl! glad you like the other stuff too. xo

    Kristina - thanks for the kind words. Keep up the colorful inspiration. xo

  5. Ooh - these look great - am off to check out a few now...


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