
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Milk Jugs

Four. That is the number of milk gallons my family consumes almost weekly. That seems insane to me, but we eat a lot of cereal and my boys drink chocolate milk for a snack. This leaves us with a lot of milk jugs in the recycle bin and hopefully some really strong bones!  When I saw the photo above, it got me thinking about other fun things that we can do with all those empty jugs.

bird feeder with tutorial

lights from Eco-Craft book

pendant lamp with tutorial

"garage" (can't wait to do this one with my boys!)

They also work great to hold oil and other greases from your car or kitchen. You can cut them in half with the handle intact for a dog food scooper and more. My Dad has used them as a weight or something while fishing. The possibilities are really endless. I have to say, that chandelier is pretty chic and left me breathless. What crafts or glamorous things have you created from everyday objects around your house? xo


  1. I'm going to make the ghosts for sure! We have tons of empty milk cartons around here. Great ideas!

  2. We use lots of milk too! I love that chandelier idea!!!

  3. Janna -I think we'll make the ghost lights too. so cute. I think my little ones would get a kick out of it.

    Rach - I wish I could make that chandelier. Looks way out of my league. Glad you like it too. xo

  4. Awesome ideas, these are all so fun!


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