
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Wedding Crashers

Have you ever been to a wedding that you didn't receive an invitation to? My first thoughts when asked to do just that were, "uh, NO WAY!" Seriously, on the way there I was kind of nervous and then upon arrival I pretty much wanted to crawl out of my skin. Weddings are so personal and intimate. However, I was assured this wedding would be different.  Oh my gosh...different doesn't even scratch the surface. This was THE most amazing, stunning, gorgeous, lovely, intimate, personal and loving weddings I have ever attended and I didn't even know the couple getting married.

My husband introduced himself to the lovely couple, Hannah and Cameron, after the wedding. And they actually thanked him for coming (crashing!) This couple is special. No. Lie. Their family - amazing and their body/community - exceptional.  Take a look at this handmade, one of a kind stunner. I hope you get as lost in the beauty as I did.

Each place setting was adorned with mason jar and vintage coffee mug - all to be taken home as guest gifts. Sigh....

Friends were put to work weeks before the wedding making these lovely string balls that hung from huge pine trees.

"Pews" were made from bales of hay with quilts draped over them. Each row had a lovely arrangement of flowers sitting at the end. *It should be noted that their florist cancelled on them a day or two before the wedding so it was up to them (and family/friends) to purchase flowers and make their own unique arrangements. Well done, right?!

The lovely bride walked down an aisle of, what else?, burlap coffee sacks. This is Portland after all. On another note, I wish I had a close-up of her stunning dress. I'm told she bought a dress off the rack and then snipped here and there adding fabric here and there to make it her own. It was lovely. The finishing touch? She wore these adorable suede lace up booties that were simply perfect and without knowing her, seemed to fit her personality to a tee!

Did I tell you this all took place on a u-pick-it orchard called Sauvie Island? I know. Are you dying yet?

After the wedding the couple took communion together, danced a ton, ran under a canopy of falling hydrangea petals thrown by family and friends and went down stream in a boat. I don't know what  you're thinking right about now, but this was one wedding I would not want to miss crashing for anything! It was so surreal being there. Kind of like I was in the middle of an epic romance novel. I even cried a bit during the ceremony. It was that touching and loving. Hannah and Cameron, I wish you all the best that God has to offer. What He has united as one, let no man separate!

Have you ever crashed a wedding? Do you have a favorite wedding that you'll remember forever - besides your own? Come on, give it up. I really want to know.  xo

(all photography by Adam Fish)


  1. I kind of crashed a wedding once (my uncle was invited and I just went with him) and it was the best thing to do as it was in a beautiful village in the south of Crete and we danced all night under the fullmoon! ^_^

  2. My wedding was crashed-about 14 friends. Small church so limited list. We were delighted they came :) Love the detail they added to the natural surroundings. String balls - love the idea - could be elegant or bright for a child's bday party!

  3. Awesome place to get married! Adam did a great job with the pics!!

  4. hi, brooke!

    it was a pleasure meeting you at the wedding you crashed! (i found your blog through "today's letters") i felt a little distracted by my orchard-tromping toddler heron & my ever-nursing baby shepherd, so i didn't get as much time to connect with you as i would've liked. but hopefully josh will play in texas soon & we'll see ya'll again there! i think duke is trying to set something up... :)


  5. Eleni - ha you little sneak. I love that story! So fun. Thanks for sharing.

    Anon - nice that your crashers were friends and you were delighted!

    Rach - RIGHT? Thanks for the photo compliment. I'll pass it along!

    Michelle - so nice to meet you too. If you guys come to Dallas, Emily of Today's Letters will totally geek out! Let us know so we can make the show! So fun! xo

  6. beautiful, seriously. ahhhh, THAT is why i think it would be so much fun to get married again! oh well...i'll have to just through beautiful parties that AREN'T weddings! :)

  7. This is one of the most beautiful weddings ever :-)

  8. Hi, I'm Cindy, the mother of the pastor (Josh) that married Cameron and Hannah. I live in Arkansas so I hear about these amazing events, but rarely get to see pictures like these and hear the events described so beautifully. Thank you for posting this.....what a treat!

  9. TT & JMay - glad you liked the post. I ccouldn't agree more... it was beautiful.

    Cindy - Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. Nice to meet you via blog world. Your son, Josh, did an amazing job. It was very touching and moving. Pretty sure I teared up a few times and I didn't even know anyone! ha!

  10. Dear Brooke,

    Thank you so much for your writings of our wedding. You make everything sound so magical! Cameron and I loved reading this while we were away on our honeymoon. And thank you so much for coming! I had the pleasure of meeting your husband that day. I wish I could have met you as well.

    I was wondering if your husband took these photos? Is there is anyway ya'll could email us some. As you know, the day was a whirlwind and I hardly remember what everything looked like that we worked on so long. Any photos would be much much appreciated! Thank you so much.


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