
Friday, September 17, 2010

Weekly Challenge: Early Mornings.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. That is me - in the morning. Lately I  have gotten into the routine of allowing my husband to get up with our oldest at 6:45 or 7:00 am, while I sleep in until our youngest wakes up at about 8:30 am. It's been nice. Not. Gonna. Lie. However, now that "Fall" is here (by word and action only, as the weather is still thinking summer) school has started along with bible study and more. This has left me running around like a chicken with it's head cut off trying to get everything done before I have to walk out the door. And since my oldest has to be at school by 9:00 three days a week, getting up at 8:30 is no longer an option.

This week I challenged myself to get up at 6:00 am. Yes, I have cobwebs in my head right now, I can't seem to get enough coffee into my system and I'm having to go to bed much earlier. But, I  have also discovered some really great things about early mornings.

The air is crisp. Really crisp.

The silence that filters through my home brings me peace.

I get a lot more done.

The neighborhood looks really pretty as the sun is rising.

Front porch lights illuminate homes in an enchanting way.

Neighbors are up early and they're chipper.

Coffee tastes really good.

Bike rides are soothing.

My day is brighter.

I'm gonna try and keep this challenge up for life. Oh gosh... just saying that makes me squirm. But I must say, that getting up early to start my day versus being late to work and having my job (my sweet boys) wake me up is much better for me and them. What do you like about mornings? Anything? Do you like that today is Friday? I DO!!! Enjoy it. Live it to the fullest! xo


  1. I like the bright light streaming in as I open each of my blinds and curtains. It wakes me up and I so prefer the natural light to switching on the lamps.

  2. Love the idea of your challenge. I've always struggled with getting up in the morning - don't know what I'll do when we have kids and we can't even sleep in on the weekends! :)

    PS. THANK you for the link to your post about containers (and phthalates!).

  3. Waking up early in the mornings is such a great thing to do (if you can handle it..)! I love the morning light and silence. And the mind is working really well at these hours!

  4. great challenge. Your blog is good for the soul! have a good weekend, Julie

  5. bravo. maybe i'll try it next week and be just like you...usually when i get up early so do the kiddos but i always feel better when i get up early go for a walk and reflect on the life God has given me.
    you go girl.

  6. me too! I'm doing 6:15-6:30 most days, but my goal is 6 also. You need to read the free ebook by Kat at Inspired to Action called Maximize your Mornings. She is so encouraging and has some great ideas.

  7. This is great Brooke, I find it harder and harder as it starts getting light a bit later every day to get up in the mornings. Your post is the kick in the pants I needed - tomorrow I will try to embrace rather than grumble! :)

  8. Ok ladies - you all have encouraged me even more! Thank you so much! Let me know if you challenge yourself as well and even more it goes! xo

    Milk and Honey Home - big shout out to you for the mad props you gave me. You sent me over the moon with that sweet comment. xo

  9. I've always been a late riser until the last few years. I now really enjoy getting up early and enjoying the quiet solitude before everyone wakes where I grab a cuppa and check out a few blogs. I really like the early mornings in the warmer weather when I can take my cuppa outside and soak in the new day as it unfolds. Good on you for giving your new routine a go. Hope you grow to enjoy it more and more x


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