
Monday, November 8, 2010

Around the House: Reality Check

Photos of my home have been shown here and there in the "blogosphere." However, I feel it should be said, "that is sooooo not reality."  I mean, yes, it's my house, but it rarely looks that nice. Let's face it. I have two boys five and under; it's impossible to have a home that is neat and tidy all the time or even 50% of the time. Here's what it generally looks like:

Oh gosh, I feel like I just pulled my pants down for the world to see. Yikes! But that's it. That friends is reality. No professional photographer with great lighting. No staging. No photoshop. Just life. It is what it is, lest you think models and homes really look like photo-spreads in real life. I did this post today because I sometimes struggle with comparison, (more often than not unfortunately.) And, I want you all to know that every home out there, no matter how perfectly photographed at times, ends up looking like mine (to a degree) at one point or another!

What's your "dirty little secret"? xo


  1. Your posts are always very humbling and I love your honesty. Your house looks like a home should, lived in and enjoyed :)

  2. Can you hear everyone sighing? Thanks for keepin' it real!

  3. Brooke, what a lovely home you have. It doesn't even look messed up to me really. It just looks warm, cozy and like you live there. I've only posted pics of my bedroom in my home because I struggle with comparison too. Most of the time I have books and magazines laying around in the living area and papers laying around in the kitchen, which drives my husband crazy. We seem to pile our table in the kitchen with things we carry in from the car or laundry or whatever else and when that table is full we start putting things on the dining room table. But it does get cleaned off eventually and then we start all over again. Old habits die hard I guess. I love that you show us your reality. Have a great day!

  4. Oh, so you are human...a real woman in a real world with 2 boys. hmmm. so you live a real life then. hmmm. looks like a pretty blessed life if you ask me! i struggle with comparing and coveting the beauty of the same way I am inspired by others I can also covet. a dirty secret for sure.

  5. messy or neat- i think your home is lovely! my dirty secret is that there is one hall closet that if you open you will seriously be injured- christmas gifts, game boxed- ornaments- camping equipment-who knows what will fall on you- ha!


  6. Girl, your "Mess" looks pretty darn CLEAN to me!!! I love your colors!

  7. My dirty little secret ... by the end of the week when I actually have time to sweep up the house there is enough dog hair floating around in the corners of my den and hallway to fill a throw pillow! Gross, but true. Like you said ... it's life. Thanks for sharing. xo

  8. I love your home Brooke and you're right, most of our photos we share of our homes are when they are looking nice and tidy. I've resigned myself to the fact that in having a toddler, my home will never be as tidy as I'd like it :)


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