
Monday, November 15, 2010

Around the House: Thanksgiving

my mayflower - centerpiece of my dreams!

You eat. You give thanks. You love on family and friends. You nap. You laugh. You drink a little wine. You watch a little football. And if you're my sister or her friends, you carefully plan out your holiday shopping excursion that begins the next morning at 3:00 am. It's Thanksgiving people and it is my FAVORITE holiday. Because it is my favorite and it so very often gets skipped over, I wanted to share some of my favorite crafts, tabletop decor and other fun stuff you can do in your home to celebrate this special day.

art display - love

for the littles

hoot hoot (if i could afford it, these little guys would adorn my table for sure)

simple beauty

outdoor inspiration - love this so much!
leaves - for my "thankful tree" or garland

No matter how you celebrate Thanksgiving, I ask that if you live in the States, please celebrate it! It's way too great of a holiday to get skipped! We have so very much to be thankful for. Happy Monday - I'm thankful for new beginnings - everyday.

Tell me, do you have one table for the whole family or a grown-up table and a little table? xo

PS - It's America Recycles Day! I plan on recycling a lot of nature, halloween decor and glass jars into my Thanksgiving decor.


  1. Us Aussies dont celebrate Thanksgiving but when I travel to the States I intend to do it in November so I can experience it while I'm there. Wishing you a fabulous celebration :)

  2. Hi, Brooke! Thanks so much for sharing my Thanksgiving art display.

    We all eat at one table, but I think that's only because the kids are too little to eat on their own just yet. I'm guessing that will change in a few years.


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