
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

MOVEMBER! Bring on those Moustaches Men.

I'm pretty sure there are zero men who read this blog, so this is where you come in ladies. It's that time of year. Time to convince your man to sport the ever so popular in the 80's yet sadly disappearing moustache. Why? Because it's Movember and men all over the world are donning a hairy lip to raise awareness of cancers that affect men. Click here for the "rules" of Movember. If nothing else, it's funny as all get out and strikes a ton of conversation. (Trust me on this one!)

Check the site when you have time. You will laugh and be inspired. They have fun merchandise, events, and donation information. What's a little lip tickle when kissing if it's for a good cause?

Pure and Noble really wants to know if you think you can convince your man. Whacha think? xo


  1. Oh this would be fun to see if he would do! I'm definitely going to try:))

  2. My husband has a mustache and has had it for years. Actually he looks better with one than without. The only time he didn't have one was when he decided to shave it off a couple days before our wedding. I was not too happy. But he has it back now and is as handsome as ever with it to me!

  3. I could convince him, but I'd rather not. LOL NOT a fan of the stache!

  4. so funny.

    also, did you ever get my email with the post??

  5. i cannot. Husband has a buttoned up corporate job that would not take kindly to a crazy stache. :)


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