
Friday, November 26, 2010

Weekly Challenge: Being Thankful

Because it's the season and Thanksgiving was yesterday, I challenged myself to write down all the things I am/was thankful for this past week.

1. Paci-breath kisses.
2. Bear hugs from my 2 year old.
3. Coffee
4. Daylight savings time.
5. Jesus Storybook Bible and precious prayers.

6. Hair as soft as cotton candy is fluffy.
7. One seriously funny Great Grandma.
8. My two year old telling me, "that makes me nuts!"

9. Friends whose hearts break for the things that break God's heart (and really know how to rock Halloween).

10. Morning cuddles.
11. My gracious husband who notices sunset skies all the time.
12. Piles of leaves.

13. Friends who speak truth in love.
14. Amazing neighbors.
15. My homegirl Cricket for pimpin' my goods.
16. A son who loves the Lord and his little brother!
17. Opportunities.

18. Hats on bad hair days.
19. Quiet.
20. Each and everyone of you dear readers.

What are you grateful for today? xo

1 comment:

  1. Awwww...Thanks Brooke...all the way from China! Can't wait to be home and we HAVE to connect...SERIOUSLY!
    (And that costume picture is actually from Caroline's birthday party! I LOVE birthday parties!! And hers is in October so we were able to double dip and use them on Halloween too!)


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