
Monday, December 13, 2010

Around the House: Christmas Garage & Estate Sales

'Tis the season to hear the following, "It's better to give than to receive." And while I know this is completely true, it has never had a major impact on me until this past weekend. Here's the background: My sweet husband had the idea of helping some friends in need. We came up with the idea of a garage sale. So, last week we worked our tails off preparing for said sale. Here's the cool part, when we told our friends, they pitched in with tons of donations. When we told our neighbors, they pitched in too! Amazing.

It brought us incredible joy to serve this very deserving family. Saturday we delivered tons of toys, clothes, diapers and lots o' cash. It was probably one of the best Christmas gifts I've ever received. This is pretty much all that was left at the end of the day. Everything that didn't sell got packed up and dropped off at the Salvation Army. Win. Win. Win. Happy Christmas indeed.

On the flip side of giving, I was also able to score some sweet finds at an estate sale that I stumbled upon by the Salvation Army drop off. (See how giving always comes back around? ha ha ha) 

My tree is trimmed with 90% vintage, so finding these goodies at 10 and 25 cents each kind of made my heart skip a beat. I got the jack frost coasters and a ton of snowflakes for only 10 cents! They are sure to adorn some Christmas packages soon or maybe a giveaway package (hint hint).

 OZ peanut butter jar with measuring marks on the side? Why don't they make stuff like this anymore?
vintage Dick and Jane flashcards - I see some art projects in the near future.

How was your weekend? What brought you joy? xo


  1. What a great idea, Brooke. Good for you... you should be so proud of yourself.

    And those vintage Christmas items are amazing. What a score!

  2. Nothing better than doing things for others. I always feel happier I'm doing what it is I'm here to do!
    Nice finds:))

  3. Thank you for your email msg :) Those flashcards are adorable, they'd make a really unique craft project. My weekend was the start of many xmas parties and festitives to come and always an exciting end to a hardworking year.

  4. Great idea - the proceeds help others AND you can find new homes for things you no longer need. Brilliant.

    Ps. your his & hers today made me laugh! can't wait to show my husband.


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