
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Birthday Wish List

I'm getting older everyday. Every. Single. Day. Since I can't fight it, I may as well embrace it! Bring on #38 - uggh, it's right around the corner. Here's my virtual wishlist. I won't be getting any of these, but a girl can dream right?

more tape (could be a new addiction if allowed)

shades (my faves broke after 3 years!)

My reality wish list:

*more time laughing with my boys.
*a date with the hubs.
*a nap in the sun.
*a haircut.
*a new sewing machine (I think mine is on it's last leg.)
*clarity (more dream than reality I think.)

What's your birthday wish? xo


  1. I was just thinking about making my wish list too. I'll be...I'm almost afraid to say it...45 on December 14th. When is your birthday? I hope you get what's on your reality list. Weird, I just asked my husband for a new sewing machine for my birthday too. I even cut out the add from Costco that has a good deal on one. Mine is on it's last leg as well. This time of year always gets my creative spark going and all of a sudden I feel like making things. I just bought a bunch of those blocks and some chalkboard paint at the craft store to make those chalkboard blocks you saw in one of my last posts to gives as gifts to my neices. Have a great day :)

  2. Hope you have a great birthday - take it from an 'older woman', its only a number! I feel like Im still late 20's, and loving life. Hope you get at least something from your wish list. I looovee the boots!
    Rebecca x

  3. I turned 31 last Saturday... no gifts, but I spent the day with my great great hubby and my amazing daughter. What can I wish more? (loads of things, but that's ok... lol)


    Hope you get everything (specially the sewing machine, so I can see the things you do:)

  4. Happy birthday soon Brooke. I hope you get that sewing machine. I had my birthday almost a month ago and I got my wish, a sleep in and breakfast in bed (and it was a school day, so hubby and boys were super for doing this for me).
    PS Love the tape by the way

  5. Going by your profile pic you still look foxy you have nothing to worry about! I really enjoy reading your posts theyre always honest and up front and very grounding. Hope you get some of those wish list items (esp a date with your hubs) x Michelle


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