
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Tea Towels

(please excuse the poor photography)

It's no secret; I'm a sucker for a deal. So when I saw these awesome cupcake tea towels on sale at Ikea, 3 for 50 cents, I had to get them. I knew that even though I'd never use them in the kitchen, they could definitely be repurposed for something else in the future.

Wouldn't you know, a few months later a dear friend asked me to make an apron for her 7 year old daughter. Perfect! I just cut the top quarter off finished the raw edge and added a pocket and some ties. Voila - delicious.

I'm a firm believer that if it's fabric, it can have another life after it's original purpose. Skirts become purses and totes, dresses become skirts, scraps become necklaces... Remember this handbag I made out of another Ikea tea towel?

Tea towels come in such amazing prints it would be a shame to leave them in the kitchen for cleaning up! How do you use your tea towels? xo


  1. I used ikea tea towels to wrap Christmas presents this year.

  2. you are stinking genius...and how come I didn't see the cupcake towels? I totally would have stuck those in my carty cart!

    LOVE them...and the things you have made are awesome!


  3. I love that bag! It's beautiful. The apron turned out really cute, too. I just bought some Valentine tea towels in the dollar aisle at Target. Not sure what I'm going to make with them yet.

  4. I love the apron and Rory will too! THANK YOU FRIEND!!! Love you! :)


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