
Friday, February 18, 2011

Weekly Challenge: Lemons to Lemonade

News flash... life is HARD! Over the last couple of years life has thrown me/us some lemons. Some lemons were bigger than others; therefore, hurt worse and thus made more lemonade (bonus). This week I tried to focus on making lemonade.

Lemon: Oldest is sick again.
Lemonade: More cuddle time.

Lemon: A foam letter in a kid-poop filled toilet.
Lemonade: I won the Mother of the Day award for rescuing the letter while laughing hysterically and gagging.

Lemon: Christmas gift of a book I already own.
Lemonade: New necklace from Anthropologie and an hour in the store soaking it all in. {insert happy place here!}

Lemon: Shattered Dreams.
Lemonade: Spiritual growth.

Lemon: Broken Sonicare toothbrush.
Lemonade: Enjoying every jump, giggle and toothpaste spray caused from random vibration firings!

Lemon: Husband serving at churchValentine's Day.
Lemonade: Extended celebration with a lovely date night the following day.

Did you make any lemonade this week? xo

PS - It's the weekend and Spring is almost here! Hooray!


  1. I'm a firm believer in 'when life throws you lemons make lemonade' and I bought a good friend a lemon tree for their 1st yr wedding anniversary with that very note. Sounds like a crazy week ... laughing and gagging at the same time your a Mum to admire :)

  2. Hi. I love your post today about lemons and lemonades in our lives. It's very inspiring. I love your optimism in life. Well today, my hubby is home all day because he's sick. I think that also means having to spend time with each other the whole day.:-) Thanks for the inspiration.:-)

  3. i find that lemonade makes itself when life hands you lemon. you just have to be willing to drink it down. great post!


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