
Monday, March 28, 2011

His & Hers: Grocery Shopping

Have you ever wondered why your husband is able to buy groceries in half the time that you are able to complete the task?  Well, I have solved the mystery - at least for us...

Do you see the difference?  I am officially convinced that my husband grabs the first item he sees that is on the list. I, on the other hand, look for the best deal, include coupons, and always consider aesthetics. I can assure you that he didn't give one bit of thought to that strawberry print on our paper towels, nor does it coincide with his design aesthetic. 

If you're new to the blog, this little His & Hers series is something that Alli and I do on Mondays, giving readers a glimpse into our worlds at a very basic his and hers level.  Won't you play along? xo