
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Hello Spring!

March. It's March. With this new arrival comes the promise of so many things and the reduction of others!

Good-bye cold afternoons.
Good-bye staying indoors.
Good-bye flu! You are NOT welcome anywhere near my home for the remainder of the year.
Good-bye hot coco.
Good-bye layers of little boy clothes stacked in every corner of my home.
Good-bye hairs standing on end as I walk out my back door.
Good-bye cute woolen mittens and hats.
Good-bye brown grass and bare tree limbs.
Good-bye hairy legs. I think I will miss you most of all.
Good-bye brunette.

Welcome delights:
Hello garage sales.
Hello fresh morning dew.
Hello outdoor projects of junk brought home from bulk trash days.
Hello little league soccer. Go Strikers!
Hello bike-rides and new skateboard tricks.
Hello budding flowers and tree leaves.
Hello green grass peeking out so proudly.
Hello picnics at the Arboretum.
Hello blondie.

What reduction will you miss the most as Spring comes Marching in? xo


  1. Real excited about saying hello to the new blondie!!! ;) Love. KS

  2. I will miss my trips to the Anza Borrego Desert, with the hot sun and high temp. I will no longer be able to hike once winter is over..... but I will now be able to go to the beach and sea shell hunt, which is always awesome.

    -Much love, Kim and Mr. Gnome


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