
Friday, March 4, 2011

Weekly Challenge: Get Real

Strap yourselves in, but before you do...go grab a cup of coffee, this could be a long one. I've been thinking and praying a lot this week. I've come to this conclusion - I think blogs can trick many into believing in a false world where creativity is a breeze, parenting comes naturally, struggles are rare, dishes and laundry do themselves and time tends to stand still. This just isn't reality.  And I feel I should be a little more honest with my reality. Here's a glimpse of what I mean...

Blog life - I woo my husband.
Reality - We argue sometimes. I don't think the best of him always. I don't make him my priority directly after God.


Blog life - I pour into my boys in a number of ways and laugh at little things like impromptu haircuts.
Reality - I struggle to find balance between them and my selfish desires. I can get easily frustrated. There are times I spend more time blogging about them than I do teaching them.

Blog life - Creativity comes to me naturally and feeds my soul.
Reality - It can be a HUGE source of struggle for me, especially when I focus more on being inspired than I do on honoring God and actually creating.

Blog life - I am Wonder Woman; everything gets done and life rolls along smoothly.
Real life - I have dust bunnies in every corner of my home, laundry piled sky high, dishes filling the sink as I type this and mold clinging to every shower tile. While I can laugh at this (a little) it also makes me a bit sad.

Blog life - It stands still so that I can accomplish everything and record it all for prosperity.
Reality - It is moving by so rapidly that I find myself panicked at times at my overwhelming inability to accomplish the things that really matter.

Blog Comments:
Blog life - They encourage me, create new friendships and are an incredible delight.
Reality - They are all of the above AND I put way too much emphasis on them. I check my inbox constantly. I worry when no one comments. I look to my comments to fill me up (my sinful nature looks to you, my readers for approval instead of looking up.) I want to comment on others' blogs, but can't find the time to build the online community that I'd like.

The list could go on and on. Here's the bottom line... I'm struggling right now. Really struggling. I want so badly to be a lover of Christ, wonderful wife, devoted Mom, impeccable housewife, involved friend, inspired blogger and designer/crafter - and juggle these things well. The reality is that my life seldom reflects the desires of my heart right now. I don't have enough hours in the day to get everything done. At some point, something has to give. So this week, I have been praying about what gives.

With all of that said, I am taking some time away from my blog that I love so much. I will immerse myself in prayer and family in hopes of finding guidance and direction. I plan on discussing things the hubs to find a balance that works for us. I hope to come back in a week or so with answers.  Please know this... every single one of you is dear to me. I have made some wonderful friends through Pure and Noble. You have inspired me and encouraged me beyond belief. xo


  1. Take all the time you need, Brooke. It's very hard to find balance. I find myself in the same struggle right now. If you figure out how to balance everything, please let me know:)

  2. Good luck. As women we struggle with how to be 'perfect' at everything. How to make everything look so easy and effortless. But that's not life. Sometimes we have to forget out will and focus on God's will for us. It's tricky business.


  3. How brave of you to share all of this with us! Hopefully turning to God and your family for guidance will give you some peace.

  4. I can totally relate, friend! I will be praying for you! ;)

  5. I should have read this before I just sent you an email.
    You're not alone in struggling with this - I know what it's like to feel behind, and want to be more involved in the blog community vs. focusing on real life + honoring God.
    The whole balance thing is HARD! (praying for you)

  6. Well done for being honest. I certainly agree that blogs create an unrealistic picture of life. I love blogging and mostly I feel inspired by all the wonderful blogs out there. However, sometimes it just makes me feel inadequate that I'm not able to achieve what others appear to. It's good to take a break now and again. I hope you find some peace x x

  7. Ah Brooke, I am sending hugs from Canada and wish you all the best. It certainly is impossible to live a perfect 'blog' life and sometimes a little space is all you need to re-energize. We'll be waiting here patiently - take all the time you need! :)

  8. What beautiful transparency. I just stumbled on your blog last week and I'm thankful for it. As much as I love reading them, lovely blogs that I enjoy can also make me focus on the wrong things to make me "whole." I commend you for seeking Him and loving your family by taking time away.

  9. You are not alone. This struggle is reality but the grace of our God is all encompassing, surrounding and grounding. Thank you for your encouragements and for setting an example of a godly woman...struggles and all. xoxo

    PS: this post has been the cry of my heart too.

  10. I sure hope you are encouraged, friend. So proud of your obedience and for putting the big things first and letting the little things fall in place after that. So thankful for you, your honesty, and the way you respond promptly to the leading of the Holy Spirit. It is an encouragement for sure. Praying with you. Love, KS

  11. It is so refreshing to read your blog about keeping it real, you are brave and honest and thank you for sharing about it. I know God will bless you for your desire to have your priorities fall in line with His will for you.. keep up the good fight.

  12. Thank you so much for sharing what you are going through...I love reading your blog, you are so talented and inspiring. I will pray for clarity as you wait for His guidance.

  13. You wrote with so much truth and humor how I feel these days. Merci et bonne chance!

  14. Woah...
    Blog life - Creativity comes to me naturally and feeds my soul.
    Reality - It can be a HUGE source of struggle for me, especially when I focus more on being inspired than I do on honoring God and actually creating."

    I've been thinking alot about this one lately. It was like you spoke what's been on my heart. Amazing how God hears our prayers.


  15. I just found your blog tonight and fell in love with it and you immediately by this post! I can wholeheartedly agree and empathize with everything you wrote. Hoping to see you back on here, until then -- I have a lot of catching up to do! :)

  16. Yay for you!!! Yay for honesty--I thank you for it. I, too, struggle with the blogging situation, and have had to do very much what you are doing now several times. I am committed to blogging honestly and truthfully, and trying to inspire others with real feelings and our down-to-earth struggles. I find that is all I have to contribute these days, and maybe that's enough? I hope so. Thank you for your blog and your creativity and your willingness to be so open. That honesty will save us in the end, I think! Best wishes to you, and prayers for your journey. xo.
    Amy (

  17. I'm reading your blog for the first time tonight and your words of honesty couldn't have come at a better time. Thank you.

  18. Great post Brooke! I linked it on our homepage under 'blogging inspiration'... love your honesty. And your realness. Thank you!

  19. Hey sweet one.....I know this....and you got this!!....there is a way to obtain balance, but it is different for everyone. find the balance that works the best for you and your family and stick to it...God will totally honor that. I have never felt like you were trying to represent something you are not.....that is why I like (LOVE!) you to pieces. The fact that you even have these thoughts and struggles proves that you are on the right track! :)

    we should email about this... I have many thoughts..(for what they are worth!)....based on my own experience with this very thing :)

    much love my friend!

  20. Just typed a really long comment, and then somehow it disappeared :( But basically I was just saying thanks got your honesty & for being real and transparent.

  21. Wow, thank you for putting my exact thoughts/feelings into words!! It's incredibly refreshing to know other women (bloggers, even!) struggle with the same things I do. I'm so glad I found your site. :) Thanks!


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