
Friday, March 18, 2011

Weekly Challenge: Refocus

Thank you for bearing with me as I processed my priorities and the future of Pure and Noble. In the midst of my time away I was reminded of why I started this blog and my shop... to glorify God in the ways He has gifted me. This desire has not changed, but my perspective has. Somewhere in the midst of blogging, I lost my way and my focus shifted. I love design, crafting and creating; to weave these things into my life and inspire others along the way was my purpose for Pure and Noble. Unfortunately, I got bound up in sin and began to focus on all of the wrong things... How many comments have I received? Do they like what I'm writing or better yet, do they like me? Quickly Pure and Noble became about self-affirmation through the praise of others and numbers.

I struggle desperately with wanting people to like me. (Ummm, yuck. It sounds even worse when typed out for others to read.) Because of this, I look more to my lovely readers for affirmation than I do to the Lord. A big stumbling block for me is comments.  I know they are a huge part of blogs, allowing the readers and writer to connect and form friendship/community. While I long to connect with each of you, it's time for me to turn off comments. My focus and purpose needs to remain in Him alone and right now I feel this is the only way I can gain some ground in this area. I hope that if you are inspired by my blog or simply want to say, "Hi!" you will drop me an email and introduce yourself. I really do love connecting with my readers and getting to know each of you. My hope is that I will spend more time on content and less time on worrying if I'm liked. So, as of Monday... you will no longer find a comment box. I  know this is not the norm for blogs, but this time around, I am choosing to take the road less traveled.

I will also be blogging less and the content will probably change a bit too. I realize that I may lose some of you and that's okay. I understand. I have to do what works best for me and my family and you have to do what works best for you.  Time is a priceless commodity in this crazy world we live in. Should you move on, please know that I am grateful for any and all time you have given me.

As for the shop, I will no longer be taking wholesale orders and will focus on the design of my products! This is my favorite part after all. I'm so very excited about this.

Lastly, lest you think I will begin to take myself way too seriously here, I thought I'd share a few out-takes with my little.

Happy Friday!  Enjoy a weekend full of focus! xo 


  1. Every blogger has gone through this. It's amazing how much we allow blogging to become an idol. My hope is for connections and also to show the love of Christ (through kind comments, clean posts, heartfelt thoughts...etc.) in the blogosphere.

    I hope you will be able to visit my blog sometime, but I think I like your idea of turning the comments off, at least for a little while! :)

  2. I still plan on dropping in!


  3. I totally understand and have been there. I'm still a subscriber and whenever Google Reader tells me you've posted, I'll be stopping by!

  4. i love your heart to delight yourself in the Lord alone. way to go for being vulnerable! fighting the good fight with you! you are loved!

  5. Thanks for sharing your heart. Really excited to see how the Lord blesses your obedience. Much love. K-ris

  6. I love how you're recognizing this need in yourself and your family and you're taking the higher road - wanting change. I can totally relate to how you feel and how blogging ca be like a Catch 22. I'm a new reader and really enjoy your blog. Selfishly glad you're going to keep it up. :)

  7. I am excited for this change for you and cant wait to see the new things you continue to create! Lots of love,

  8. I love your honesty and authenticity. I completely understand. While I don't have a blog, I do compare myself to others on Facebook and the like and have decided to take a break myself. I do enjoy your blog and look forward to seeing all of the creativity that the Lord brings you going forward. Joy! Carolyn


Hey... You! I think you are the tops for showing the comment love! Thank you for your comments and support. It means so very much. If you leave a comment, you will find the reply in comments as well. xo