
Monday, April 11, 2011

His & Hers: Little Snapshots

When your husband is a photographer that has all the fun and cool gadgets and you have a point and shoot, he will out do you every time.

The hubs snapped a ton of pics while our little entertained his new best friend Herbert the caterpillar. We were told, "I love him. He's cute!" Well, I'm sorry to report...he loved him to death. R.I.P. Herbert!

This same little loves to look down drain holes too. I snapped the above pic while he was screaming. "ECHO!"

His & Hers series is a weekly little diddy that Alli, of Hooray, and I started for fun to give you guys a glimpse into our worlds two images at a time. Two pics, two perspectives, no rules. Play along with us! xo