
Friday, April 22, 2011

Weekly Challenge: Decorate for Easter Already!

This week I finally got around to decorating for Easter.  Part of me thinks this is a good thing because I don't want the boys to think this holiday is all about bunnies and candy. The other part of me wishes I had taken more time to pour into them the importance of Easter and what it really means. Oh teachable moments are all around.  This weekend we will make Resurrection Rolls and have a flashlight Easter egg hunt. 

When I was growing up, my Mom would make a Easter Bunny cake with fresh coconut every year.  She used two round cake pans and created the bunny from them. She dyed coconut green and poured it all around the bunny, adding jellybeans for more color.  This was one of my favorite traditions.  To honor that (and her) without the sugar, my youngest little and I made a bunny for the boys door. It's so easy.

 grab two paper plates, cutting one as seen above
 color the ears and bow from the cut plate
 create your bunny face on the remaining plate (we hotglued pom poms for eyes)
 last, glue on the ears and the bow - add whiskers if you like. (I think this would make a great mask too - just cut out the eyes and add ribbon/elastic to the sides!)

I finally made a banner for our front porch.  It reads, "He is Risen." I have it facing backwards now and will flip it Easter Sunday.

The boys and I also made little Easter gifts for their friends on our block. This little craft is so easy and just came to me one morning while I was getting out of the shower. I think it turned out great.
Empty soap boxes
Cotton Balls
Brown craft paper (or brown paper sacks)
Green construction paper - run through the shredder

 cut end flaps off one end of box
 "wrap" box leaving the open end unwrapped
hotglue cotton ball for bunny tail
 stuff shredded paper and candy into box opening

 write message on box! we used this as an opportunity to share the Easter story with our friends.

Hoppy Easter peeps. I pray yours is filled with lots of love, grace, remembrance, family and friends. xo