
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Say Good-bye to Dog Ears

I think it's high time we show some respect to our beloved books and stop dog earring every page for place-saving and highlighting purposes. Once I've finished a book it's more like origami than a rectangle. Oh come on; you know you do it too. It's like biting your fingernails - once you start it, it becomes a hard habit to break.  Here's a look at some fun and easy ways to save our places and our books.

But when you have kiddos, the bookmarks seen above inevitably fall out. So, I cut up the cheapo free fridge magnets and hot glue them to the ends. This prevents these handy little suckers from ending up on the floor. Take a look...
1. cut paper
 2. cut magnets
 3. fold paper
 4. hotglue magnets to inside of paper/bookmark
 5. folder over page in book and voila!
 stuck like chuck!

Happy book reading! xo