
Friday, June 24, 2011

Weekly Challenge: Chronicle Mommy Wear

Here goes nothing... I had every intention of showing you a week's worth of outfits. Why? Because I see all these awesome ladies showing what they wear on a daily basis and get so inspired by them. However, the reality is that only about 30% of their amazing wardrobe is practical for me - a mommy of two. I want to wear heels and look cute all the time but that is just not the season of life I'm in right now. I wanted to show you all the stuff I wear, thinking it might inspire you - colors, mixes, accessories, etc. But, the more I thought about it and prayed about it, the more I realized that I just wanted you all to think I was cute and had good style. Selfish ambition and vain conceit are so ugly. 

It's my goal, and desire, to only share things with you that would inspire or stir in you a desire to create. So, if and when I do share my daily wardrobe, I promise it will come from a place of pure intentions - hoping that we can all feel beautiful without makeup, jewelry and heels. While it works for a lot of beautiful ladies out there, it doesn't fit my lifestyle right now and it might not fit yours. Plain and simple. Here's to the Mommies out there rolling around at the park with their littles in tennis shoes, flip flops and t-shirts. You are beautiful!

Funny side note - on Tuesday Jude, my oldest, asked me, "Mommy, why do you want to look all pretty?" What? I had on zero make-up and hadn't washed or styled my hair that day. My reply, "I want to look pretty for your Daddy. What makes you think I want to look pretty today?" Jude: "Because you have on that t-shirt and those necklaces and these shorts." Ha!  Yes, my t-shirt had beading, my necklaces were gold and my shorts...well, they were seer-sucker. How he saw that as wanting to be pretty I have no idea, but I love him for it. Ahhh...out of the mouths of babes. This Mom gig is so entertaining sometimes.

the "pretty" t-shirt

I hope your weekend if full of pretty and lots of sweet, random compliments. xo