
Friday, September 23, 2011

Weekly Challenge: K.I.S.S.

Remember that little phrase that you heard in school all the time? KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid? This week it has never been more appropriate. Sometimes life just moves at the speed of light and there's no way you can keep up. It's like God's reminder that you are NOT in control He is.  

This week I have been on bended knee for so many of my friends.  The mom in me, and let's be honest - the woman in me, wants to fix it... make their hurt go away. There is no fixing the loss of a loved one, the bad news from a doctor, the sickness of a child, heart-break or the conflict that comes with life. What is one to do other than K.I.S.S. it?  So I pray to the One who is in control and knows what each friend needs infinitely more than me.

Simple is beautiful. xo