
Monday, November 7, 2011

Around the House: with Allison of AV Design

I am so delighted to bring you a new Around the House today. This sneak peek happens to be my neighbor. Funny thing...we met through my blog and then found out we lived one street away from one another! Small world indeed. How blessed I feel to have scored an insanely talented friend and gifted designer mere blocks away. Join me in taking a little peek into the world of Mrs. Allison Vieger; I promise you'll be inspired.

Hi. I'm a believer, designer, yogi, artist and wife. I started my own design company AVDESIGN, one year ago. I recently launched a hand stamped line of stationery titled, Lines & Shapes at Oil and Cotton in Bishop Arts.

PN: Are you a self-taught artist or school trained?
AV: If winning the first place Dixie House chicken drawing contest when I was 6 counts-then yes I'm self-taught ha! Actually I've been an artist since I was really little. My mom said all my friends wanted to play with dolls and my response was 'let's draw with coders(colors).' I chose to pursue the arts in college as well and graduated with a degree in Fine Arts.

PN: Tell me/us a little about your business and how that got started.
AV: I worked in the design world for over 7 years and decided to take a break to become a certified Bikram yoga instructor. I taught yoga for 2 years and still freelanced with design gigs here and there. I was doing more and more design work and decided to make it official, got an LLC and designed a website and voila- AVDESIGN was born! Of course that's the polished and shortened version of the story…it took a long time to get the website up and there are still days where I ask myself ' what am I doing?!' but the majority of the time I love it! My emphasis is print collateral- wedding, baby, personalized stationery, and parties and soirees. I also do branding, logos and marketing materials. I love collaborating with musicians and artists of all mediums!

PN: Where can people find your work?
AV: On my website AVDESIGN or in store at Oil and Cotton. I also enjoy writing about interior design, fashion, health and DIY projects which I blog about on designfromatov.

PN: Are you organized with lists, crossing one item off at a time or sporadic with lots of projects going on at once?
AV: I love lists and feel extremely validated(I know I'm such a dork)when I cross off a task on my many post it notes.

PN: Where do you look for inspiration?
AV: I love tumblers and blogs and I admit to being fully addicted to Pinterest-you can see the evidence of my many boards here- I also am inspired by music. My current favorites are Feist, Active Child, Bon Iver and Taylor Vieger(who also happens to be my husband:-). He just released his second album (the V album) on itunes. Check out the goods here.

PN: Are there any color combos you steer clear of?
AV: Not really, I'd like to think we are an equal opportunity color/design palette household. I do have an aversion to fake plants as decor and woven baskets- again I know I'm weird!

PN: Is there anything you are dying to learn how to do?
AV: Sewing! Brooke- can you please give me a tutorial? I can use a needle and thread but the machine scares me.

PN: How long have you lived in your current house?
AV: Since fall of 08'

PN: What was your first project upon moving in?
AV: The back porch- adding plants, outdoor furniture and creating a serene environment.

PN: What's the next project you’re going to tackle?
AV: Decor for the holidays! Every year I promise I'm not going to make a fuss or buy new decorations because I like to create the majority of it but something about the smell of cinnamon candles, cider and twinkle lights- it gets me every time.

PN: Do you enjoy redecorating/rearranging your home or do you find an arrangement you like and stick with it?
AV: I'm constantly moving pieces around. I think it's the best way to make old things new again, a new setting gives whatever object, book or painting new life.

PN: Which do you prefer DIY or Crafts?
AV: Usually DIY but the occasional craft is fun! I like experimenting with recipes too- whenever my husband and I find ourselves visiting a restaurant and ordering our favorite dish over and over- I attempt to re-create the goodness at home.

PN: What's your favorite project you've ever done/ had the most fun with?
AV: Recently, I took a solar-dying class at Oil and Cotton and it was so fun! You put a bunch of dried leaves, alum, the fabric or material you plan on dying and other interesting mix-ins into a mason jar, seal it, set it out in the sun. After a week goes by of the jar basking in the sun-you open it to see what you've won! Beware it is smelly- but the finished product is worth it. The yellow hankie I solar dyed is one of my favorite pieces of art in the house. I love it so much, I framed it and it's my hubby's Iphone background.

PN: Do you consider yourself a thrifter, scavenger or collector?
AV: I consider myself a hunter AND gatherer! I hunt vintage and collect all the treasures I can find. I love that pieces in my home tell a story from another time and place. To me that makes it that much more special.

PN: What types of things do you thrift/scavenge/collect?
AV: I collect vintage clocks mostly mid-century, mushroom artwork from 50's, 60's, and 70's, mid-century pottery and vintage jewelry. Oh almost forgot my favorite- white porcelain cats! I know it's weird but I'm ok with that. My husband even proposed to me with a white vintage kitten and a velvet ribbon was around its neck with the ring attached.

PN: What started your love of the above?
AV: I love the majority of design from the 50's, 60's and 70's. I secretly want to live on Mad Men. I feel like I belonged in that time period- the dresses, the furniture- LOVE IT!

PN: You have a lot of vintage pieces in your home. Where do you go to find these treasures?
AV: I heart Dolly Python!!! I also hit up estate sales, garage sales, and I've even had some luck at Goodwill.

PN: What's the farthest you've traveled to pick up a vintage find?
AV: Stockholm, Sweden. I was in a thrift store and found 2 beautiful scarves from the 70's. I framed both and love to see them hanging in our dining room and at the end of the hall.

PN: Is there anything you're on a constant hunt to find?
AV: Haegar pottery-to me it never gets old.

PN: What is currently on your night stand?
AV: Crazy Love- by Francis Chan. I love the way it challenges me in my devotion and walk with Christ. Also- Little Women, it is this months' book club read. I've read it as a girl and I'm even more excited to read it as and adult.

PN: What's your design moto?
AV: Less is more. My husband gets irritated because I tend to freak out over what I call visual clutter. But in my defense - I function at a higher level when thing are neat and orderly, or at least that's how I justify it.

PN: What do you listen to while working?
AV: I like a lot of mellow tunes while I work- Washed Out, Gem Club, The xx. Since the hubby is professional musician(I just play one on tv), he informed me it's called 'chillwave.'

Amazing right? When I first entered her home, I warned Allison that I might just have to move in! Thank you. Thank you Allison for opening your home to Pure and Noble today. Now let's go grab a cup of coffee so we can have some girl talk while gazing at our neighbors from your plush gray chairs! tee hee hee. xo