
Monday, December 12, 2011

Around the House:Farm Fresh Christmas

Do you remember this house and studio tour of Texas artist Jon Flaming? Well today you're in for a real treat. Jon shared some images from his grandparents' old farm that started his love of collecting and all things vintage with patina. When I got the email and began looking through the images, my jaw dropped to the floor. Not only is it amazing, but it's so super cool to see how much he was clearly influenced by his surroundings growing up.

Jon's cousin Chuck and wife Terri now live on the farm, where they raise their littles - hello dream life. They also raise cattle here, restore and redecorate the old farm house and much more. 

As you can see, a few of the images are from summer and some from Christmas, but no matter the season this place is a wonderland of vintage goodness. I wanna stay year round - I'm pretty sure I'd find something new to fall in love with every day of the year.  Thanks for sharing Jon!  You and your family are so very inspiring. 

Merry Christmas and Happy Monday friends. xo