
Monday, January 9, 2012

Around the House: Being Particular and A Bit Ungrateful

Blessed. It's what I am. I don't deny it. But what I also often feel is entitled. For instance, I have a lovely home that keeps me warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Not only that, it is filled with treasures that I love - from family to furniture and bits and bobs. If that's not enough, even our cars - that's right, this family has two - have houses...we call them garages in the States. With all of this, why am I focused on the things in my home that I don't like? It's frustrating, for sure. I think some call it discontent. Ouch.

My Kitchen - Love lots of things about it, but don't love the floor or the countertops. Wish the floors looked more like this:

And the countertops more like...

Then there's my bathroom issues... but I'll save that for another day. Good grief. Lord, help me be content with all You have given me!

Happy Monday peeps - what will you be grateful for today? xo