
Friday, January 13, 2012

Weekly Challenge: Google Reader 911

Going into this week I didn't really have anything on the radar for challenges. And honestly, this week went by so dang fast I could hardly keep up. But I did make an effort to catch up on my blog reading. Yowza, I follow way too many blogs. Anyway, I am so glad I did some actual reading rather than just zipping through images. Whoever says the blogosphere is a waste of time is viewing the wrong posts. There is some seriously good stuff out there homies.  Here are just a couple that blew me away.

AshleyAnn - Under the Sycamore: I have a voice.

They both made me feel as though I had been rescued from my self-imposed island. It's amazing the sisterhood you feel with women you have never even met just because you have something in common with them. I praise God for women who have the courage to speak up and speak out! (Glennon made me laugh my arse off and even got a chuckle out of the hubs. Now that's impressive.)

I tell ya, this is why I love being a part of the blogosphere and Faithblogs. It's not just fluff and materialism.

Happy Happy Weekend. It's going to be a busy one for me : 

Chicago - high school play with a dear friend.
Cheering on the Bey Bladers - 6 year old basketball is a hoot.
Date night with the sexiest man alive.
Friends. Friends. Friends.

Have I told you lately that you guys are the shizzle? You are! xo