
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Thank You & Survey Response Answered

image via you are my fave
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for filling out my little survey! I got a pretty good response rate - if you haven't had just five minutes to fill it out... no worries; it's still up...please, please. It truly helps me get to know you guys and what you'd like to see here at Pure and Noble a bit better. And that drives content. So again, a BIG thanks to those who responded. I wish I could give you all a loaf of yummy strawberry bread and a smooch! 

In the survey, some of you asked why you don't see more photos of me... I thought I'd share the why to that question today and give you a little insider thrift shopping tip.

My time to shoot and write my blog is limited. So when I go to shoot myself, I have to do it as quickly as possible. I don't have a tripod (I know, I should invest or borrow from the hubs), it's tricky to work the timer, the ensemble and the layout so that it actually looks good. If I had been styling the shoot below, there would be no cords, the light would have been moved so that it didn't appear to be coming out of my head, the carpet would have been smoothed out and most of all, there would be an absence of all bumps and lumps.

See... again with the stupid light coming right out of my head. What the? 

Now onto the thrift tip...
I got that lovely green dress above at Buffalo Exchange for $15.00. It was on their clearance rack when I went shopping for a dress to wear to my friend's wedding. It's a Large. Uh huh, and it came with an off colored green belt and a nude polyester slip underneath. YUCK! The slip was ill-fitting to say the least and the belt wasn't necessary. I left the slip with them, used my own under-dressing and left the belt off. The end result is a super comfy summer dress that can be dressed up or down. Love. Remember to think outside the box when thrifting. There are no rules. xo