
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Bathroom Remodel

vanity via houzz
Hi friends!  Oh how I've missed you. We've been knee deep in packing, moving, design and temporary settlement. Whew...this remodeling stuff ain't easy. There are so many choices to be made. And there aren't very many cool options out there in the mass market. We need affordable and cool. Does that exist? I'd like to find something cool on craigslist or at a resale home decor shop, but time isn't really on our side. I'm on the hunt to find the perfect marriage of modern and vintage with an industrial flair. (I love the above image.) Where does one find a cabinet/vanity like that? Oh, did I mention the part about not spending thousands or even hundreds of bucks on it? If someone could just drop something like that on the curb for bulk-trash I'd appreciate it.

I must also confess that as much as I love the look of a pedestal sink, I hate them. There... I said it. Done. True confessions of a first time remodeler. Pedestal sinks don't allow me the space I need to spread out my morning ritual materials. I mean, a girl has her products... ya know?
pedestal sinks via houzz
So my contempt for pedestal sinks, which are abundant on Mr. Craigslist, leaves me salivating over images like these...
bathroom awesomeness via houzz
HELP! Do you have any sources for cool vanities (hopefully a reuse or recycle) that don't drain the bank account? Yup, that's right. I'm turning comments back on for a season. I need your help! Much love homies - xo


  1. meg @ oursomethingnewJune 20, 2012 at 8:28 AM

    Do you have any REstores/Construction Junctions by you? Might have some cool stuff you could turn into a vanity.

  2.'re right. i need to try more of those. Only been to two so far and got pretty discouraged. I need to keep my chin up and keep trying! My girlfriend told me today that I need to keep my eye out for bulk trash and create my own treasure! ha. xo

  3. I don't have any good suggestions... but I have been meaning to e-mail to say congratulations on the new house! We are just on the other end of an addition/remodeling project so I feel your pain! Hang in there, it will be so worth it in the end!

  4. Thanks Christine. I need the encouragement! PS - your remodel looks amazing! xo


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