
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Scenes from a Nomad

That right there friends was my view over the weekend. Our days at the "summer house" have officially come to an end. We are without a livable home once again, as the city has put the kabosh on us moving in until the electrical wires/box meets their standards. So off to my sister's lake house we went. Things could be worse right? Floating, canoe-ing, napping, donut eating...

The scorpion, although dead, stopped me in my tracks. But to be fair, so did that sweet little cloud in the image above. It was a much needed break from the every-day and my current reality. This nomadic lifestyle is getting old. I miss my friends and a "normal" life; my boys do too. All three of them. 

I can't help but think of those who don't have a home or those displaced within their own homeland. My heart bleeds for them. A dear friend reminded me that my circumstances are a great reminder to pray for those sweet folks every time I get depressed or anxious about life as it is for us right now. And pray I do.

We are in Arlington (aka Fun City - ha!) now, living with my in-laws. Their house is totally freakin' awesome: mid-century modern (untouched) with plenty of room. I'll be sharing snippets of that mid-century goodness later in the week. Our next house? Living at my bestie's home while she and her family are out of town for a week. This gets us back in Dallas, which is a blessing. In the meantime, I remind myself... One Day At A Time. xo


  1. did someone say mid century modern? can't wait! sit tight love- you will be in your NEW home soon :)

  2. We'll be out of town from aug 11-16 if you need a place during that time! I think you may have that week covered, but if you don't, let us know!

  3. Wow, think of it as a tour of Texas, well the Metro anyway! LOL

    Bless you and your sweet family!

    Enjoy the wait with great anticipation and thanksgiving!

  4. Alli - amen girl. Can't wait to have you and Tay over for some dinner and singing? I need Taylor to teach me some of his dance moves. lol (xo)

    Debbie - What? Are you serious? Get out! That is too kinds of you! I will let you know. The thing about offering something like that...they just might take you up on it! Watch out sistah! xo

    Shon - right? good gravy - I'm ready for the tour to be over! xo


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