
Friday, August 3, 2012

Fabulous Finds Friday: Light/Rock

It's Friday. Let me say it again so that it really sinks in... IT'S FRIDAY!  Woot woot. As of tomorrow, me and mine will find our way back to Big D. Stoked is an understatement. But enough of that, let's get onto the loot... the fabulous finds.

My sweet friend Shon of The Sunflower Mama sent me some pics of an 80's brass chandelier that she turned into this century's gold...

Eeegatz... I see those brass numbers on craigslist all the time and I was thinking of doing the same thing! Great minds things alike. I love it. Well done Shon! Can't wait to see that baby hangin' in your casa. Send us a pic so we can all relish in the beauty. Ok? 

My MIL, who is always hunting the thrift stores, scored a huge box of K'Nex. She scored it for $3.00. But that's not the cool bit... see that rock? Well, my youngest pulled it out of the big blue box and upon further inspection... I noticed that it had some writing on it . I thought it was someone's name but it was actually scripture. Here's where it gets crazy cool... The verse is Joshua 1:9. That is my oldest's life verse. For realz. Be strong and courageous, do not be terrified for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9. Crazy right?  That we would find that rock is no coincidence. I love it.

How's that for ending the week on a positive note? ha ha ha. One super awesome brassy make-over and one well placed and timely rock. Fabulous Finds indeed. Happiest of weekends homies. xo

You know that feeling you get when you score that fab find for a steal? You want to squeal with delight. You want to hide it so that no one else will wrestle you to the ground for the goodness. I know that feeling. It's awesome sauce. Send me your pics and let me squeal in delight with you.


  1. YAY! Congrats on heading back to the BIG D and your casa!! So excited to see your big reveal!

    Thank you for the shout out! I'll keep sending items your way.

    What a cool rock, I love how God as my youngest tells us all the time, is every where!! Enjoy!

  2. Hi! I looove that verse! It's been popping up everywhere this week! :) It fills me with hope!!! God bless you!

  3. Shon - my pleasure! love that fixture. God is everywhere - your youngest is very smart! xo

    Carolynn - you warm my heart friend. xo


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