
Friday, August 10, 2012

Fabulous Finds Friday: A Week's Worth of Loot

You guys this series is gonna get real boring if I'm the only one sharing fab finds. Are you trying to subtly tell me that you prefer my weekly challenges? If so, lemme know. I can accomodate. I'm easy like Sunday mornin'. But since I did score some amazing things this week, I thought I'd go ahead and share. I went to an estate sale down the street from my bestie's and boom - scored major. I spent all of two dollars and got 7 postcards to create my own version of this, 8 coasters that might need a little dressing up and a McCoy vase for the MIL.

But no matter how good the deal, gifted fab finds are the best! Yes they're free, but the best part about them is that you know someone was thinking of you. That makes my heart warm. I have two of the very best MILs in all the world. Here's what they gave me this week...
Gold bangles, gold and green ring, lace clutch and and in yo' face red ring. I also got a rockin' set of earrings that I'll have to share later, couldn't get a good pic of them while wearing. They know me don't they?  I'm addicted to accessories and they are very well aware of my many weaknesses.

My last and probably most fave find of the week is a blog. I don't know why I haven't stumbled across it before, but it's lovely. Rarely do I read a blog that makes me smile (each and every 20 pages I've viewed thus far) and feel just overcome with joy. As I read Andrew+Carissa and looked at their images (both artists with amazing talent that share their gifts with Kinfolk mag and others) I can't explain what happened. My mood was elevated, I got all happy weepy at times and pride swelled within me as I thought of my motherhood journey. When my littles came in from playing with their PapaDude, I just ate them up with kisses and hugs - so happy that God chose me to be their mom. I have zero idea how one blog accomplishes all that, but Andrew+Carissa did. I am smitten and insanely inspired.

How about you? Is there a blog out there that moves you? Happy Weekend homies. Make it a joyful one. xo

1 comment:

  1. Followed your link to see what you are going to do with the postcards. I LOVE that idea ..... Please post pictures of the finished product when you are done.
    I came over from Shades of Grey (Katie is my ¨niece in law¨) today and will definitely be back.


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