
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Less IS More

artwork via design sponge

Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's having gone 3 months with less than half of my stuff available to me. Or maybe it's having to unpack ga-zillions of boxes. I'm not sure, but one thing I do know... in this new home... less is more. We are ridding our selves of "stuff". Toys. Nick-knacks. Clothes. Stuff that has piled up over the years and just doesn't fit anymore. My/Our new space is being inspired by these images...

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

I'm loving white walls and I see some polka dots in our future, clearly. It might be the new space or maybe it's my old age, but less is very appealing. What is inspiring you to pieces right now? xo


  1. my new charcoal sofa is coming today....and we have been de-cluttering and making space which feels great.
    love your images.

  2. I agree! We are pretty minimal at our house. the exception is toys, we are working on it! love the polka-dot pillow cases and eames chairs. We have knock-offs, I hope we can upgrade someday.

  3. i agree. i just need to move on eof these days so that i am motivated to par down. it seems i am always dropping grocery bags off to goodwill but the mass still remains. i love you get a fresh canvas to work with.

  4. pve design - charcoal sofa...yummy! kuddos to you on decluttering! xo

    Julia - i think knock-offs are just fine. I die over the polka-dot pillowcases too. xo

    household exec - i know right???xo

    smilesandlove - thanks. the colors were so inspiring. xo

    nic - down with the mass! and ps - fresh canvases aren't all their cracked up to be. ha ha ha. xo


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