
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Towel Play

Sorry it's been a bit quiet around here. We've had family in town and have been working hard on the kitchen island and fireplace. I can't wait to show them to you. They're totally awesome sauce.

These images of my boys may be a little gritty and blurry, but they're so dang cute I couldn't resist posting. I'm not quite sure what they're doing up top. My big seems to thing that a "zen pose" has something to do with ninjas. Huh? My little just wants to copy his brother, but instead looks like he's smokin' something. Good grief. I am beyond blessed with these two. They keep me laughing non-stop and pulling my hair out all at the same time.

If you're a parent, you totally know what I mean. Ha ha ha. Happy Tuesday peeps. 

PS - why don't they make "head towels" for grown-ups? I think they could be a LOT of fun. Don't you? xo


  1. Totally know what you mean LOL Trust you're having an awesome week :)

  2. so much fun these photos and those towel wrapped kids of yours - the ones that make you want to pull your hair out and laugh.

  3. bikbik - week is a good one. hope yours is too. xo

    pve - ha ha ha. thanks lady! xo


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